Friday, June 29, 2007
Wii Review: Pokemon Battle Revolution
Saturday, June 23, 2007
Crashing and Burning Never Sounded So Good
I suck at MotorStorm. I suck like an anteater on an ant hill.
But that doesn’t change the fact that the game rocks — especially when it comes to its soundtrack.
Besides featuring a Nirvana ditty that I’ve always liked, I also credit Motorstorm for introducing me to Pendulum, an Australian drum and bass group based in the
Which makes Pendulum’s catchy dance beats with a rock twist — such as “Slam” and “Blood Sugar” for example — sound even better. Some old school drum and bass aficionados say Pendulum's newer rocklike offerings are sugared-up abominations. But my ears say it’s techno-ish stuff I can listen to and like without feeling like I should join the witness protection program. “Slam”, the song featured in PS3’s Motor Storm, even has a hilarious video featuring earthquake shattering beefcake for the ladies that you can view here.
Anyway, I'm just glad MotorStorm's developers didn't hire the guy who came up with the head-scratching ditty "Bru Bru Skies" for Sega's Daytona racer. I don't know what that guy was on, but I sure as heck know I don't want none of it.
So even with my subpar off-roading skills, crashing and burning at Motor Storm doesn’t seem so bad. Especially when you’re treated to beautiful scenery on the way down and a rocking soundtrack in the background.
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Friday, June 22, 2007
'Let Me Show You My Pokemans'
For people who have played Pokemon before, I can sum up the new games in two sentences:
If you liked the previous Pokemon games, you’re going to like Pokemon Diamond/Pearl.
If you hated the previous Pokemon games, well, you’re going to hate the new versions, too.
If you haven’t played Pokemon before, then read on.
In a nutshell, Pokemon is a role-playing game where you travel around a particular region (this time, it’s a place called Sinnoh) catching and training Pokemon in the hopes of becoming an elite Pokemon trainer (I could sense my desirability at the next speed dating session dropping already). On the way, you’ll be battling gym leaders to earn badges that help you progress through the game while also helping foil the dastardly intentions of an organization bent on ruling the galaxy called Team Galactic. Methinks someone needs a Vulcan death grip.
As the first Pokemon entries for the Nintendo DS, fans of the series, understandably, have waited for Diamond/Pearl with much anticipation. But with the exception of a few key changes, the game is pretty much the same game it’s always been. Other than some subtle 3D effects and a few graphical tweaks, for example, the game pretty much still retains the familiar look of the old games — good news if you’re a purist but bad news if you were hoping to see a better demonstration of the DS’ graphical capabilities. The game does feature a bunch of new Pokemon, which I’m sure would be a source of much joy for the kiddies — and everyone knows I’m only stooping to Poke-geekdom for the children, as they are humanity’s future.
The meat of the game remains its familiar RPG-style quest. It also features plenty of stuff to do on the side such as contests, cooking, training and other stuff that can easily become life-sucking time sinks if you’re not careful and are 1) age 13 and younger or 2) older but don’t have an even bigger time sink known as a girlfriend. The side stuff’s good but I pretty much concentrated on raising a select number of Pokemon so I can quickly proceed to teaching my cousins an important lesson — that of my incredible kickbuttitude in any game, even if it be Hello Kitty Island Adventures. (This also allows me to quickly return to having a real life marked by laughable attempts at home improvement and making all sorts of strawberry-based desserts on the weekends. Maybe some day, you too can be just as cool as me.)
Which leads me to the best part — and, for some, also the most frustrating part — of this game: online battling. I finally got to battle one of my cousins from clear across town recently via the DS’ WiFi online connection and I must say that hearing his reactions via the DS mic and speaker was a lot of fun. I heard his evil chuckle when he thought he was going to win, followed by the ensuing cry of agony when I dispatched his Pokemon the very next turn. BUWAHAHA!!! The best part was hearing him laugh after one of my Pokemon popped out from its pokeball with a personalized message with his brother’s name and the word “SUX” right after it. That’s right, you can now add personalized messages of 8 characters or less once you progress far enough in the game. I’m sure all the people playing this game — especially the boys — would act mature and never abuse this wonderful feature that allows you to spell UFART to greet your opponent.
The not-so-good part is not being able to just battle random people online. You need to have another player’s Friend Code to battle them online in real time, which means you first have to meet someone outside of the game (physically or online) and get their Friend Code before you can play them. The need for Friend Codes certainly puts a damper on the online battling experience, especially since you can battle players from other countries now but can’t do so anyway without their Friend Code. I certainly understand Nintendo’s concerns about online predators. But they could’ve easily fixed this by turning off the DS mic for random battles with people not in your friend list to avoid unwanted advances from supercreeps.
The good news is that you can randomly trade with people online and I’ve actually traded with players from such countries as
With lots of stuff to do, Pokemon Diamond/Pearl can be as time-consuming or as quick an experience as you want it to be. It also provides parents a worry-free game for their young ones — unless their young ones battle with friends who like using naughty words over the mic or spelling stuff that would make you want to wash their DSes with soap.
As for yours truly, I’ve progressed far enough in the game that I’m ready to climb back up the recovery wagon. But with my little niece who lives more than 200 miles away now getting into the game along with those same old goofy cousins who are a hoot to battle with, that doesn’t mean I can’t fire up the game once in a while to satisfy my delusions of grandeur and familial interaction via WiFi. By itself, the game wouldn’t really hold my interest too long. But online kicks things up to a whole ‘nother level.
You certainly could’ve done better, Nintendo. But I’ve had so much fun with the WiFi feature that I’m willing to give you a pass on this one.
My verdict: 4 cell phone reception bars out of 5. (Clearly recommended — the best Pokemon handheld offering yet)
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