Saturday, June 23, 2007

Crashing and Burning Never Sounded So Good


I suck at MotorStorm. I suck like an anteater on an ant hill.

But that doesn’t change the fact that the game rocks — especially when it comes to its soundtrack.

Besides featuring a Nirvana ditty that I’ve always liked, I also credit Motorstorm for introducing me to Pendulum, an Australian drum and bass group based in the UK. As someone of Asian and European descent, I’ve spent a good part of my life fighting not one but two powerful genes that would make any lesser man addicted to embarrassingly cheesy techno. Prodigy? That’s good techno that no one should be ashamed to like. That cheesy song played by the driver my family hired to pick me up at the airport in Manila? The one that played for THREE HOURS STRAIGHT with a REPEATING chorus that went: “sao-sao-sao-baby sao-sao-sao a-who-a-who a-hee-hee-hee?” It was like a conga line of techno vampires just took turns to suck the life out of me.

Which makes Pendulum’s catchy dance beats with a rock twist — such as “Slam” and “Blood Sugar” for example — sound even better. Some old school drum and bass aficionados say Pendulum's newer rocklike offerings are sugared-up abominations. But my ears say it’s techno-ish stuff I can listen to and like without feeling like I should join the witness protection program. “Slam”, the song featured in PS3’s Motor Storm, even has a hilarious video featuring earthquake shattering beefcake for the ladies that you can view here.

Anyway, I'm just glad MotorStorm's developers didn't hire the guy who came up with the head-scratching ditty "Bru Bru Skies" for Sega's Daytona racer. I don't know what that guy was on, but I sure as heck know I don't want none of it.

So even with my subpar off-roading skills, crashing and burning at Motor Storm doesn’t seem so bad. Especially when you’re treated to beautiful scenery on the way down and a rocking soundtrack in the background.

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