Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Monster Hunter 3 Hunting Exchange/Resource Guide

And for our third entry during our big update day, here's the Moga Forest Hunting Exchange/Resource Shed Guide.

This is a guide for items you get from the Resource Shed that's operated by the village elder's son. That would be the dude standing high up on that platform overlooking all the village peons beneath him. You know in Japan, there's a saying that idiots like high places. I guess that makes him the village idiot. Hey, that's shorter than village elder's son! Let's just go with that shall we?

Anywho, the village idiot actually gives you items and hunting points in exchange for the monsters that you take down at Moga Forest during a non-guild run. You know what they say about a fool and his gold. Here's the list of items and points you can get by monster. The (☆) symbol indicates rarity. Many of these items are also new to Monster Hunter 3 so I don't know their official English name yet. (I'll update monster and item names once they're released.)

I. Minions

APTONOTH, small & medium size [アプトノス]
Points: 1
- Raw Meat [生肉], Monster Dung [モンスターのフン]

APTONOTH, large size
Points: 1
- Raw Meat [生肉], Large Monster Dung [特大のフン], Giant Skull [巨大な頭骨] (☆)

BUNAHABRA, regular size [ブナハブラ]
Points: 3
- Intense Pheromone [強烈なフェロモン]

BUNAHABRA, large size
Points: 3
- Gold Needle [ゴールドニードル], Queen Needle [クイーンニードル] (☆)

EPIOTH [エピオス]
Points: 5
- Raw Meat [生肉], Splendid Seashell [見事な水かき]

Points: 3
- Rolled Fishing Bait [漁のまきエサ], Beautiful Scales [きれいな魚鱗]

Points: 3
- Rolled Fishing Bait [漁のまきエサ], Gold Needle [ゴールドニードル]

JAGGI [ジャギィ]
Points: 5
- Small Curved Fang [小さな曲がり牙], Small Gold Fang [小金の牙]

JAGGINOS [ジャギィノス]
Points: 10
- Small Curved Fang [小さな曲がり牙], Tiny Fang [小金の牙], Radiant Moonlit Fang [月夜の発光牙]

KELBI, normal type [ケルビ]
Points: 2
- Mushroom Culture [キノコの培菌], Intense Pheromone [強烈なフェロモン]

KELBI, large antler type
Points: 2
Beautiful Pelt 素敵な毛皮

ORTAROS [オルタロス]
Points: 1
- Mushroom Culture [キノコの培菌], Rolled Fishing Bait [漁のまきエサ]

Points: 13
- Splendid Seashell [みごとな水かき], Tough Seashell [強靭な水かき]

II. Bosses

DOSJAGGI [ドスジャギィ]
Points: 150, 200 for capture
- Natural Pink Liver [天然ピンクレバー], Radiant Moonlit Fang [月夜の発光牙], Giant Skull [巨大な頭骨] (☆)

Points: 1000, 1300 for capture
Golden Dragon Stone [金竜石], Ancient Oil [太古のオイル] (☆☆), Sea King's Large Dragon Scale 海王の大竜鱗(☆☆☆☆)

QUELPECO [クルペッコ]
Points: 300, 400 for capture
- Natural Pink Liver [天然ピンクレバー], Beautiful Tail Feathers きれいな尾羽, Gaudy Tail Feathers [ド派手な尾羽] (☆☆)

Points: 1000, 1300 for capture
Shining Dragon Scale [かがやく竜鱗], Golden Dragon Stone [金竜石], Crimson Dragon Scale [真紅の大竜鱗] (☆☆☆☆)

RIOREIA [リオレイア]
Points: 800, 1000 for capture
Shining Dragon Scale [かがやく竜鱗], Golden Dragon Stone [金竜石], Queen's Miracle Drug [女王の霊薬] (☆☆☆)

Points: 450, 600 for capture
- Large Gold Fang [大金の牙], Radiant Moonlit Fang [月夜の発光牙], Ancient Oil [太古のオイル] (☆☆)

NOTE: Resource trading also works the other way around where you can give the village elder's son, er, idiot (Gah! I'm so confused) items in exchange for points. Here's a list of items you can trade in.

Group 1:
Inferior Shell [欠けた貝殻] 30 points
Fossil Cluster [化石のかたまり] 50 points
Abalone Cluster [アワビのかたまり] 100 points
Monster Cluster [竜骨のかたまり] 150 points
Strange Egg [奇妙な卵] 150 points
Giant Pearl [巨大真珠] 100 points
Ancient Sharkskin [古代鮫の皮] 190 points
Strange Beak [へんなクチバシ] 320 points
High Quality Sponge [上質な海綿質] 1000 points

Where to find in Moga Forest:

Inferior Shell [欠けた貝殻] - Bone gathering points in Areas 10 and 11
Fossil Cluster [化石のかたまり] - Glowing gathering spot in Area 6
Abalone Cluster [アワビのかたまり] - Glowing gathering spot in Area 10
Monster Cluster [竜骨のかたまり] - Glowing gathering spots in Areas 6, 10 and 11
Strange Egg [奇妙な卵] - Glowing gathering spots in Areas 6 and 8
Giant Pearl [巨大真珠] - Bone gathering points in Areas 10 and 11
Ancient Sharkskin [古代鮫の皮] - Occasionally carved from shark killed with fishing spear/harpoon
Strange Beak [へんなクチバシ] - Carved from Quelpeco (the giant bird boss)
High-Quality Sponge [上質な海綿質] - Carved from Roaldros (the lion-lizard boss)

Group 2:

Bomb Arrowana [バクレツアロワナ] 40 points
Burst Arrowana [ハレツアロワナ] 30 points
Glutton Tuna [大食いマグロ] 25 points
Knife Mackarel [キレアジ] 15 points
Pin Tuna [ハリマグロ] 20 points
Rumblefish [はじけイワシ] 15 points
Sleepyfish [眠魚] 20 points
Sushifish [サシミウオ] 10 points
Scatterfish [カクサンデメキン] 40 points

For a list of fish you can catch by fishing spot, check out my Monster Hunter 3 Fishing Spot Guide.

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