Sunday, February 28, 2010

Tales of Graces: Item List 1-35

Here's a list of items 1-35 based on Tales of Graces' Collectors Book. The list is based on Namco-Bandai's official guide for the game.

Note that an (S) mark means that you need to spend a certain amount of money in the store before the item becomes available. An (S*) mark essentially means the same thing as (S) except the item indicated can only be bought once. Also note that I translated this myself so the names may not jive with any potential English localization of this game.

TABLE 1: Item Names

Item Name (JP)Item Name (ENG)
1アップルグミApple Gummy
2ピーチグミPeach Gummy
3グレープグミGrape Gummy
4メロングミMelon Gummy
5パナシーアボトルPanacea Bottle
6リキュールボトルLiqueur Bottle
7ライフボトルLife Bottle
9オールディバイドAll Divide
11シャークボトルShark Bottle
12アルカナボトルArcana Bottle
13ホーリィボトルHoly Bottle
14ダークボトルDark Bottle
22レッドセージRed Sage
23レッドラベンダーRed Lavender
24レッドベルベーヌRed Verbena
25レッドローズマリーRed Rosemary
26レッドサフランRed Saffron
27レッドカモミールRed Chamomile
28レッドセボリーRed Savory
29マスタリーCMastery C
30マスタリーEXMastery EX
31マスタリーGMastery G
32エナジーボトルCEnergy Bottle C
33エナジーボトルEXEnergy Bottle EX
34エナジーボトルGEnergy Bottle G
35アイスキャンディーIce Candy

TABLE 2: Item Effect
Item Name (ENG)Effect
Apple GummyRecover 30% of HP
Peach GummyRecover 50% of HP
Grape GummyRecover 70% of HP
Melon GummyRecover 30% of HP*
Panacea BottleCure all status effects
Liqueur BottlePrevent status effects in battle
Life BottleResurrects downed character with 20% HP
ElixirHeals and resurrects character with full HP
All DivideHalves damage for both allies and enemies
HourglassStops enemies for 4 seconds
Shark BottleUps rate for acquiring items (either double or 10%)
Arcana BottleUps Eres Gauge by 75%
Holy BottleDecreases enemy encounters for 3 minutes
Dark BottleIncreases enemy encounters for 3 minutes
SageMax HP + 20 points
LavenderAttack Power + 2
VerbenaDefense + 2
RosemaryAttack Skill + 2
SaffronDefense Skill + 2
ChamomileAccuracy + 2
SavoryEvasion + 2
Red SageMax HP + 30 points
Red LavenderAttack Power + 3
Red VerbenaDefense + 3
Red RosemaryAttack Skill + 3
Red SaffronDefense Skill + 3
Red ChamomileAccuracy + 3
Red SavoryEvasion + 3
Mastery CSP + 300
Mastery EXSP + 900
Mastery GSP + 3000
Energy Bottle CRecover 300 energy
Energy Bottle EXRecover 1000 energy
Energy Bottle GRecover 3000 energy
Ice CandyRecover 10% HP, get winning or losing stick after

TABLE 3: Location (Shop)
Item Name (ENG)Shop Location
Apple GummyRanto10020
Peach GummyOru Reiu500100
Grape GummyBeranikku2500500
Melon GummyNone02500
Panacea BottleRanto10020
Liqueur BottleOru Reiu20040
Life BottleAll shops30060
ElixirAnmarcha (S)50001000
All DivideAnmarcha (S)7000350
HourglassAnmarcha (S)9000450
Shark BottleAnmarcha (S)1000200
Arcana BottleAnmarcha (S)1000200
Holy BottleRanto25050
Dark BottleOru Reiu25050
SageRanto, Baronia (S*)150075
LavenderNekonin (S*)150075
VerbenaOru, Sable, Yu (S*)150075
RosemaryTeros, Shatoru (S*)150075
SaffronGrellside (S*)150075
ChamomileAnmarcha (S*)150075
SavoryBeranik, Savet (S*)150075
Red SageRanto, Baronia (S*)6000300
Red LavenderNekonin (S*)6000300
Red VerbenaOru, Sable, Yu (S*)6000300
Red RosemaryTeros, Shatoru (S*)6000300
Red SaffronGrellside (S*)6000300
Red ChamomileAnmarcha (S*)6000300
Red SavoryBeranik, Savet (S*)6000300
Mastery CBeranik (S*)100050
Mastery EXBeranik (S*)7500375
Mastery GBeranik (S*)300001500
Energy Bottle CBera, Ter, Sha (S*)3000300
Energy Bottle EXBera, Ter, Sha (S*)100001000
Energy Bottle GBera, Ter, Sha (S*)300003000
Ice CandyBaronia Stall6012
Note: Bera = Beranik, Oru = Oru Reiu, Sable = Sable Izore, Ter = Teros Asti, Yu = Yu Ribelt

TABLE 4: Non-shop Item Acquisition

Other Acquire (JP)Other Acquire (ENG)
1リンゴ + グミの実Apple + Gummy Fruit
2モモ + グミの実Peach + Gummy Fruit
3ブドウ + グミの実Grape + Gummy Fruit
4メロン + グミの実Melon + Gummy Fruit
5ウィザードSteal from Wizard
6パナシィーアボトル + ストラタサボテンPanacea Bottle + Strata Cactus
7パナシィーアボトル + 真実の塩Panacea Bottle + True Salt
8バロニア城Box: Baronia Castle
9スニーク研究所Box: Sneek Research Lab
10フェンデル政府塔Box: Fendel Govt. Tower
11ウォールブリッジ地下遺跡Box: Wallbridge Ruins
12ライオットピーク10階Riot Peak: Clear 10th floor
13免罪の水 + モリノ花Indulgence Water + Forest Flower
14免罪の水 + 毒海藻Indulgence Water + Poison Seaweed
15北バロニア道Gather: N. Baronia Path, E. Ranto
1666号地区, ベールパラサイトGather: Area 66; Drop: Bell Parasite
17ストラタ岩石、大沙漠・東Gather: Strata Rock, East Deserts
1813号地区, メリクリウスGather: Area 13; Drop: Mercurius
19南バロニア, グレルサイドGather: S. Baronia, Grellside
20氷海への道, サヴェート山Gather: Frozen Sea Path, Mt. Savet
21フェンデル国境 & トンネルFendel Border, Fendel Tunnel
22セージ + 怪しげナ粉Sage + Strange Powder
23ガルディアシャフト, ラベンダー + 怪しげナ粉Galdia Shaft, Lavender + Strange P.
24ベルベーネ + 怪しげな粉Verbena + Strange Powder
25ローズマリー + 怪しげな粉Rosemary + Strange Powder
26サフラン + 怪しげな粉Saffron + Strange Powder
27カモミール + 怪しげな粉Chamomile + Strange Powder
28セボリー + 怪しげな粉Savory + Strange Powder
29ライオットピーク30階Riot Peak: Clear 30th floor
30マスタリーC + 騎士の湧き水Mastery C + Knight's Water
31マスタリーEX + 騎士の湧き水Mastery EX + Knight's Water
32ライオットピーク20階Riot Peak: Clear 20th floor
33エナジーボトルC + 騎士の湧き水Energy Bottle C + Knight's Water
34エナジーボトルEX + 騎士の湧き水Energy Bottle EX + Knight's Water
35アスベル?Drop: Asbel?

Note: I didn't have enough space to put item names so I used the Collectors Book numbers instead (e.g. 1 = Apple Gummy, 2 = Peach Gummy, etc.)

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